26 de julio de 2010

By foot (fragment)

By foot

Chapter 1

My mirror

It is weird how I suddenly became a stranger. Everything goes weird when you start thinking about yourself. Some times I feel absent. I disappear standing right here. And even when I hear what they are saying my mind is missing, some place else far away.
I also leave my clothes on the floor and sometimes talk in my sleep. But I don’t think those are reasons to stop loving me, and if they are, then it doesn’t worth it to waist my time thinking about this.
I’m selfish, yes, but no more than any other human being. But I have never been selfish with my love or with myself. The thing is that I don’t show my self to everybody because if I do, then I would stop being me.
Standing in front of the bathroom’s mirror I see my reflection. A pail girl with rings under her eyes. With long hair and my mouth, a red point that looks like a little hart. A hart that beats hard when is happy.
I have always been the mirror for everyone. They see exactly who they are when are in front of me. Maybe that’s the reason why I’m always so lonely. Nobody likes to see it self with its flaws. The problem is that I like faulty people and they like me, because I don’t try to fix them.

1 comentario:

Mai dijo...

It's a nice surprise! Good!
Check up little spelling mistakes.

Congratulations!! ♥♥♥